Happy New Year 2020

We not only have a New Year ahead… we have a New Decade!

“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” -C.S. Lewis

“Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.” -Oprah Winfrey

CHIP is about Complete Health Improvement. We are very good at talking about improving our diet, getting lots of water, good sleep and exercise, fresh air, sunshine, reducing stress and not smoking. Trusting in God and asking for His help is also very beneficial.
I would like to encourage you to pick a “Word of the Year” for 2020. This past year was the first year that I have ever focused on a single word. It was amazing to see all the places I found quotes on my word.
There are lots of ideas on the internet from others who promote this “Word of the Year” idea. Here is one you can check out.
The word I chose for 2019 was “Prayer.” In a small sketch book I hand wrote a variety of quotes and Bible verses about prayer. This was the most life changing thing I did in 2019. I loved it!
If you care to browse thru my book, click on this link.
Will you accept the challenge to pick a “Word of the Year for 2020?” Take a little time before settling in on the right word. I am considering the word “Sleep” for 2020… because I know I don’t get enough sleep. I always thought I never needed more than 4 hours a night. Boy was that a mistake!
This New Year holds great potential for all of us to improve our health and well being. What one thing would you like to improve in your life in 2020? Choose well.

“Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” —Keri Russell

From all of the CHIP team we wish you all a Healthy and Happy New Year.  2020 will be awesome!

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